web design and development Dubai

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We have been in the business for more than 4 years, so we know the in and out of the business, whether it is a simple personal website or a complex business site, we are ready to make it best within your budget, Our services includes website design,Search engine optimization (SEO) website development, Internet marketing, SMM, Mobile Application etc.. Just fill below form and we will be reaching you ASAP !

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Thoughts & Ideas

  Writing a Secure Code The code is known to be a very vulnerable feature when developing a mobile app which is the main target for exploitation by hackers. It would be essential to write a highly secure code in order to keep it safe from being tampered with. You can find more information about A2 Solutions. Mobile app development Dubai. Hackers might be able to reverse...

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mobile application development Dubai

  Mobile app security is the most alarming factor for developers from the day they start the process of app development. Here are some ways for making mobile app security a huge part of the lifecycle of mobile app development. You can find more information and helpful tips with A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. Considering App Security before Starting Before the project is started and the development...

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mobile application development Dubai

There are many ways of advertising an app by applying different strategies for marketing strategies. Most of the app publishers work through the use of some of the following channels for mobile app advertising. Find out more information and helpful tips with A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. Here are some of the well-known app advertising channels.   Apple Search Ads is known to be a...

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mobile app development Dubai

  There are many publishers that go for Facebook when advertising their mobile app. Facebook has a huge audience that can be the potential user of their mobile app. You can find out how to properly advertise your app with the help of A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. However, there are many other platforms such as Twitter or AdWords that also gain a lot of...

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mobile application development Dubai

    Digitization for mobile app development Dubai in the vertical of social health and services, has become exceedingly successful and now it is also taking the health world by storm. Not only are health apps becoming more common, but they are also being developed to become technologically sophisticated and have more detailed and reliable outcomes. However, such applications do have some drawbacks because they do not...

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mobile application development Dubai

  The world of mobile app development Dubai has seen tech companies turn into a very dominant aspect of the digital world. From economic growth to more digital advancements taking place for mobile app development Dubai, these tech companies and majorly reshaped and redefined the way in which this industry runs. These tech giants engage in developmental research that costs billions of dollars every year, so...

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mobile application development Dubai

Edge computing is an innovative breakthrough in the field of mobile app development Dubai that transforms the way data is processed. Edge computing can be seen gaining traction due to a massive upsurge in the usage of internet-connected technology that is transforming the modern landscape. Edge computing makes it more supportive and easier for artificial intelligence software and self-service bots to operate in a simpler,...

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mobile app development Dubai

It is clear that there is a lot of significance for app maintenance that developers need to keep in mind when launching an app. Here are some of the costs that developers would have to incur when maintaining their app. Find out more information with A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. There are companies or freelancers that can be hired for app maintenance; the bracket...

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mobile application development Dubai

After the app development process is done, the developers need to start looking into the app maintenance for their app. You can find out the importance of app maintenance for the following reasons and keep your app well maintained based on these factors. You can find more information with A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. An app cannot work on a “set and forget” principle...

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Mobile app development Dubai

The solution for tracking user path through apps and diagnosing the error events would be through the use of Big Query, Google’s Firebase Analytics and Data Studio which would provide a rather holistic view of the error that occurs in an app while also enabling the developer to drill down or trace a specific user error and also the breadcrumb trails. You can find more...

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