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Types of Fitness Apps to Develop


Fitness apps have become huge trend mainly due to the pandemic as people have started to limit their time outside their homes and have become cautious of any public spots that have too many people coming around. Find out more popular types of apps with A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. Here are a few fitness apps that can be launched on different operating system’s app stores. You can start working on these apps with the help and expertise of A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. Start working on a fitness app today and make use of the popularity they have achieved in recent years. Some of these apps are mainly workout and exercise plan apps, nutrition applications and activity tracking and log apps.

Workout Apps

These are the most common category since they are focused on the workout plans with the purpose of showing users their exercise plan with clear instructions that users would follow when they open the app. You can find more information using A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. There are many types of workout apps but they can be classified into 3 groups:

  • Personal Trainer Apps 

There are many popular apps that use personal trainer app functions for example, 6 Weeks Training, iWOD Fitness and FitnessBuilder Plus. These apps offer exercise plans that are basically tailored for users who choose the level of the complexity and the set of exercises they would prefer to do.

  • Logbook Applications

These are minimalistic apps that work in form of a to-do list in order to store information of the user about their workout. Some examples can be HeavySet,Fitbod, Strong along with Stacked.   

  • Fitness Apps to Pair and Connect with Devices 

Fitness bands have been another product of technology which is well liked by people and has become a part of their lives. Data can be transferred from smartphones to these watches with the ability of apps to be paired with them.  You can start working on such apps with A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai.

 Nutrition Apps

These apps help the users gain control of their weight by keeping track of their calorie count that are consumed by the consumer on the daily basis. This can help them control their water balance and also encourage healthy eating habits. These can also help track how much coffee is being consumed and so helps keep the body fat in control. Start developing an app using A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai.

Activity Tracker Apps

Activity tracking apps are mainly suitable for people who do not usually do not go to the gym and are not used to having a sport to play. These apps are able to count the total number of steps or the calories taken by the user. These apps use geolocation to track the distance covered by the user. Start working on your app through A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai.

For more assistance, visit a2solutions.ae or call at +971505041860

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